Objects are elements you can place on a design like Text, Graphics, Shapes, Images etc.



Object title text

Form Index

This is a number used to specify the hierarchy of Objects if you have Smart Objects in a form.
The higher the number, the higher it is in the form.

Size & Position

Adjusts the Object’s size and position on the canvas.

Use as Clip

This option is only available for plain Shapes that can be used to clip images.
Enabling this option makes it possible for your customers to insert their photos into the shape and have the photo clipped inside the shape.

Lock Transform

Enabling this option prevents customers from moving or resizing the said Object

Lock Selection

When enabled, customers will not be able to select that Object.

Lock Delete

When enabled, customers will not be able to delete that Object.

Smart Object

This option is only shown for Text Objects. Smart Texts can have variables in them using curly braces, eg. {Email} that tells the Editor to treat it as form value. Read more about Smart Objects here


This is used to set an Object as a placeholder or dummy item, so that it doesn’t appear in the final PDF or the preview.


Here, you can provide a text message that is attached as a Note to the Object so that when your customer hovers over that Object, the Note / Tip is shown to customers.