The Print.App Editor is a highly versatile and intuitive piece of software developed and built to give customers the best experience possible.

Editor Sections

In full view, the editor has the following distint sections:

Editor image

It’s possible to hide and limit some of the editor sections and on mobile, the view is also different.

This houses all the resource and configuration panels. This is where you will find Graphics, Fonts, Design, Page and Item Configurations, Color panels, Customer photo uploads and a Help panel with more configuration options.

The Sidebar can be positioned on either the Left or Right hand side of the editor. The default position is left and you can change this in the settings section of your Print.App Admin.

Sidebar position image

A help menu on the sidebar lists keyboard shortcuts and the editor configuration option where users can set preferences like the editor theme.

Top Menubar

On the top right hand corner of the screen sits the Preview button in a distinct action color. And to the left of it, customers can execute other primary actions like download projects, share and save for later. top bar image The top Menubar also houses the Object-related actions menus like Object Alignments, Depth management, adding new items like Texts, Shapes, Calendars etc.

The Navigation under the stage is used to manage pages. Here, pages can be created, dragged to sort or removed. It also houses the Zoom tool and the Layers menu. This panel can be minimized to create more space in the design stage. navigation image


The Stage is the Canvas, where the action happens! This is where customers interact with design pages. Depending on the context, a Float panel is also displayed on the top-right hand corner of the stage for actions like changing a product color, Canvas size adjustment, Datasource selection etc.

Canvas Interaction tips:

  • Pan: The canvas can be positioned (panned) by holding down the spacebar key
  • Zoom: Mouse scroll wheel allows you to zoom in and out of the canvas
  • Shift + C: Re-centers the Canvas area
  • W: Trim Canvas area
  • G: Toggle Grid display On / Off
  • S: Toggle Object Snapping On / Off