To achive this, you simply need to create a Resource Profile to group select resources like Fonts, Colors, Graphics etc and assign that Profile to your Design Templates

Create a Resource Profile

Navigate to the Designs Page in Print.App Admin and click the More Icon -> and click the Resource Profile button.

This loads up your Profiles, if any. Next, click the red Create New Profile button to create a new resource profile.

In the new window, give your profile a title and add the resources you want to include or exclude.

Including a resource means that only the resources you’ve selected will be available for use in the Design Template. Excluding a resource means that all resources will be available for use in the Design Template except the ones you’ve selected.

Save your Profile and close the resource profiles panel.

Assign your Profile to a Design Template

Still within the Designs page, click the Configuration button against a Design you want to assign the profile to.

In the new window, select the Resource Profiles tab.

click the plus button and select the profile you created earlier to assign it to this Design.

Save and close the window. Your Design Template now has the resources you’ve assigned to it.